Logic and structure of the computer game

  • This paper comprises four parts. Firstly, an overview of the mathematics of decision logic in relation to games and of the construction of narration and characters is given. This includes specific limits of the use of decision logic pertaining to games in general and to storytelling in particular. Secondly, the rule system as the medial unconsciousness is focused on. Thirdly, remarks are made on the debate between ludology and narratology, which had to fail as it missed the crucial point: the computer game as a medium. Finally, gaming in general, as well as its relationship to chance, coincidence, emergence, and event is discussed.

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Author details:Stephan GünzelGND, Michael Liebe, Dieter MerschORCiDGND
Title of parent work (German):DIGAREC series
Publisher:Universitätsverlag Potsdam
Place of publishing:Potsdam
Publication type:Article
Publication year:2010
Publishing institution:Universität Potsdam
Release date:2010/10/15
Number of pages:239
First page:16
Last Page:35
Source:Digarec Series, 4 (2010), S. 016 - 035
RVK - Regensburg classification:SU 500
Organizational units:Philosophische Fakultät / Institut für Künste und Medien
DDC classification:7 Künste und Unterhaltung / 70 Künste / 700 Künste; Bildende und angewandte Kunst
Collection(s):Universität Potsdam / Schriftenreihen / DIGAREC Series, ISSN 1867-6227 / DIGAREC Series (2010) 04
Publishing method:Universitätsverlag Potsdam
License (German):License LogoKeine öffentliche Lizenz: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz
External remark:
In Printform erschienen im Universitätsverlag Potsdam:
Logic and structure of the computer game / ed. by Stephan Günzel, Michael Liebe, and Dieter Mersch. With the editorial cooperation of Sebastian Möring. - Potsdam : Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2010. - 239 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. (Digarec series ; 04)
ISBN 978-3-86956-064-9
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